Attuning to the Animal Kingdom

Deepen your telepathic connection to the love and wisdom of the Majestic Animal Kingdom.

  • Receive clearings, attunements, energy upgrades and wisdom activations from living and ascended animal spirits.
  • Build your own healing team of animal spirit guides that will energetically protect you and inspire you to live a richer and more empowered life.
  • Get clear on your main animal spirit guides and learn how to access heart coherence with them so you can channel their love and wisdom. 

The animal spirits that will be coming forward to offer you healings and energetic upgrades are of a high vibration of love. The majestic beings of the animal kingdom are ready to pass down to you light codes of well-being, courage, ascension, joy, strength, gentleness, energetic protection and love. 

The Animal Kingdom is aware of how humanity is suffering and because they do not have the same ego minds we have they have quickened in their ascension and now want to help us and this planet. 

Your third eye will be attuned to open your telepathic connection with the animal kingdom, both living animals and animal spirits (totems). 

You will receive lifetime access to the replays, guided meditations and PDF workbooks.

Experience the indescribable love and healing these abundantly diverse sacred beings have to offer you. 

Your Guides…

Module 1: The Gentle Ones

The gentle ones including bunnies and loving dogs are here to help you remember your softness and deepen your connection to the spirit of love, receptivity, humility and kindness. 

There are ascended dog spirits who want to come forward and help you anchor fifth-dimensional consciousness including unconditional love. 

During this first session, you will have your psychic senses attuned to the animal kingdom and you will meet your magnificent guides.

Module 2: The Water Ones

The dolphins and seals are here to download the codes of joy and help you remember how to play on this Earth.

The ancient blue whales have sacred initiations of wisdom they are waiting to help you activate. 

The seahorse spirits and other water beings want to help you tap into the healing, clearing powers of the water.

Module 3: The Courageous Ones

The big cats including the Bengal tiger, black jaguar, black panther and white lions are here to teach you how to embody your power and will download to you the light codes of strength and courage. 

These majestic big cats will be offering powerful clearings of any fear that may have been holding you back in your life. These clearings, healings and initiations will teach you how to be grounded in your body and power in a new way. One of the biggest blessings of working with the big cats is the way that they will protect your energy field from wobbly or incoherent energies. Working with these majestic protectors is life-changing!

Module 4: The Winged Ones

The great eagle spirit wants to teach you how to see things from a higher perspective. The eagle spirit will help you access the freedom, strength and power of your higher self. 

The hummingbird spirit wishes to teach you how to be lighthearted and remember the sweetness of life again so that you can accumulate the divine nectar in your life. The Toucan spirit with its magical rainbow beak will help you bring deep healing and opening into your heart chakra.

The energetic blessings, healings and clearings the winged ones offer will bring you great joy and clarity. 

Module 5: The Empathic & Grounded Ones

Empathic and grounded ones are here to teach you how to hold space and how to take up space without taking on the weight of the world. They will offer attunements and healings that will help you expand your capacity to love and hold space. The horse spirit will be your companion as you learn how to lovingly hold space for yourself, all your emotions and experiences on your human journey. The horse spirit will also show you how to ground and release energy that does not belong to you. 

The great elephant spirit holds a powerful energy of compassion and will help remove obstacles/programs that have kept you in the same patterns so you can learn from your past, reclaim your light and move forward with more dignity.

This is a sacred space for you to be attuned by the animal kingdom, to open your ability to receive the wisdom and love of the living and ascended animal spirits. 

It is a sacred honor to enter this majestic kingdom and to gain insight into the countless gifts of these majestic beings we share Earth with. 

Your third eye will be attuned to open your telepathic connection with the animal kingdom, both living animals and animal spirits (totems).

Learn how to enter the animal kingdom.

Build your animal spirit team. Learn what animals to call on for the support you may need. 

Registration is now open

Attuning to The Animal Kingdom Program is normally $597, but if you join us this month you will receive a $250 discount.

You are invited to join us for $347

Pay in Full

If you have any questions or need a different payment plan please email:

Your Guide

Hillary Faye has been a teacher of teachers for over a decade.

Through years of deep inner healing and learning how to love herself unconditionally, she turned her past trauma into transformation and now holds space for others to do the same.

For over 18 years Hillary has dedicated her life to the path of healing and has now taught and trained thousands of heart-centered alchemists, yoga and meditation teachers, energy healers, and intuitive coaches.

When Hillary’s beloved dog (Miss Bobbles) of 16 years made her full body ascension in April, 2021 (to her great surprise) she was opened to the majesty of the animal kingdom. This experience was beyond anything she ever could have anticpanted and opened up past lifetimes with the soul of Miss Bobbles who was also Hillary’s companion in the form of a black jaguar and a wolf in past lives. 

This miracle also opened Hillary’s soul gift of being able to attune a human’s third eye to open the telepathic connection with the animal kingdom.  

This is Hillary and Miss Bobbles in Sedona, Arizona: 

What people are saying about working with Hillary…

What you will receive…

Registration is now open

Attuning to The Animal Kingdom Program is normally $597, but if you join us this month you will receive a $250 discount.

You are invited to join us for $347

Pay in Full

If you have any questions or need a different payment plan please email:

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